Everyday ableism
Ableism is discrimination in favour of non-disabled people. It is based on an assumption that the physical, cognitive and sensory differences with which disabled people live with are deficits, and it is rooted in the medical model of disability that assumes that disabled people need to be ‘fixed’. It is manifest in physical, environmental and attitudinal barriers that exclude and stigmatise an entire group of people as ‘less than’.
This webinar will explore, what ableism is; recognising it and how to challenge it. The event will be chaired by Themesa Neckles, vice chair of UCU’s disabled members’ standing committee with contributions from Elane Heffernan, NEC and chair of the disabled members’ standing committee, Lucy Burke, NEC and disabled members’ standing committee and Michelle Daley, Alliance for Inclusive Education (ALLFIE) (invited). A BSL interpreter will be available.