Bognor Regis and Littlehampton

The MP for Bognor Regis and Littlehampton is The Rt Hon Nick Gibb MP (Conservative Party).

There are 77,446 voters here, including 2,434 students in further and higher education. At least 790 people work in post-16 education within this constituency.

See the economic impact of universities in this constituency:

Thousands of people within this constituency will be affected by any cuts in further and higher education that result from Covid-19. Will you help UCU to lobby government for action?

Take action today

If you work in higher education, please use your influence and send an email to Nick Gibb or send them a tweet today.

Write to your MP today

As well as the obvious health implications, the current Covid-19 crisis continues to create huge problems for the sector, staff and students in post-16 education. UCU has written to the UK prime minister, the secretary of state for education, and the first minister of Scotland, calling for urgent action to mitigate the risk of losing vital academic capacity across the system at just the time when it will be needed most.

We are asking members to add to our voice and contact their MP to ensure the UK government does more to support our sector.

Please take the time to write to them using the form below and ask for their help in ensuring post-16 education is not negatively impacted by the current crisis.

When you receive a reply from your MP, it would be helpful if you could forward it to Will Pickering at who can also be contacted for further advice.

Email The Rt Hon Nick Gibb MP today using the form below:

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  • Please personalise the text before sending as MPs only need to respond to correspondence from their constituents. Remember to include a line at the start on what you do, where you work and the importance of your institution to the local community.

  • All the information you enter here will be sent to your MP or their office. You will be sent a copy of your email for your records. Any response from them will come directly to you via email or letter. We may send a follow-up message to check whether you received a response.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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